silver tongue

美 [ˌsɪlvər ˈtʌŋ]英 [ˌsɪlvə ˈtʌŋ]
  • n.口才;辩才

派生词: silver-tongued adj.

silver tonguesilver tongue


great skill at persuading people to do or to believe what you say

  1. I know our products well and I have a silver tongue .


  2. Sally : But do you have a silver tongue ?


  3. He has a silver tongue . I bet you will never beat him in debate .


  4. Tom has a silver tongue , and he can persuade John to give up his crazy plan .


  5. The generous Lion will bend to whatever you want as long as you let your flattering silver tongue lead the way .


  6. But many inventors have trouble with verbal acuity , and many politicians gifted with a silver tongue need to be schooled in the concepts they are perforce required to address .


  7. Proving that his silver tongue is matched by a silver pen , Congressman Paul Ryan issued a call to restructure entitlements so important programmes can succeed well into the 21st century .


  8. Proving that his silver tongue is matched by a silver pen , Congressman Paul Ryan issued a call to " restructure " entitlements so " important programmes can succeed well into the 21st century . "


  9. In ' Silver Tongue , ' one of Mr. Lao 's stories from ' Individuals , ' a collection of 55 stories that was translated into English last year , he writes about a man who visits an old classmate who is now an admired professor .


  10. There has been many spins on this motto - like " A little less conversation , a little more action please . " All goes down to say that even though you need a silver tongue , it is better to invest your energy in working than flapping your gums about working . 5 .


  11. a silver , frozen tongue of water .
